Six Sigma
As the Sigma-metric grows in popularity and usefulness, scrutiny on the calculation has grown. The time for standardizing the Sigma-metric, as much as can be done, is upon us.
It's 6/6/2023... are you still afraid of Six Sigma?
The body of literature on QC Frequency continues to grow. Change is coming, get ready. It's time to think about QC Frequency.
Isn’t Six Sigma just common sense? Do we really need techniques, or equations, or graphs, to tell us that we should get the best instrument and do the best QC?
Have you heard about Six-Sigma? One of the popular trends in quality management, it was used to revolutionize business processes in companies like GE and Motorola. The famed Jack Welch of GE even made it a mandatory requirement that all executives learn and practice Six Sigma. Dr. Westgard explains what's new about this approach, what's hype, and what can be applied in the laboratory. (preview)