Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

Tools and Technology for QC Planning

Just as instruments have evolved from manual pipettes to vast automated instruments, so too has the technology for quality control. When we're using a fourth generation instrument, should be be doing first generation quality control (like the old standby, 1:2s), a practice that was introduced in the 1950's? Dr. Westgard charts the history and progress of QC technology and introduces new tools (QC Selection grids, OPSpecs charts, automated QC selection) that we can use for the 21st century.

Quality by Design

If we're honest with ourselves, we know that the situation in the laboratory needs to be improved. But with all the time pressures, staff shortages, and other stresses, how can we find a quick way to put the quality back into quality control? How do we select methods that can guarantee error detection? Create purchase specifications to select instruments that can guarantee we meet our CLIA requirements? Design instruments with quality in mind? Dr. Westgard suggests practical steps that both users and manufacturers can take to bring quality into their design.

Quality Goals, Requirements, and Specifications

Everyone agrees that there should be quality control. But what does that mean? When we implement new methods in our laboratories, or develop new methods, or try to establish regulatory guidelines for performance of methods, or even inspect laboratories to assure that good quality management practices have been implemented, how do we specify bias, CV, the number of controls, the levels, etc.? Dr. Westgard introduces a way to sort it all out.

Assuring Quality through Total Quality Management

The teachings of industrial quality gurus, such as Deming and Juran, established new principles and processes for managing quality. Deming provided the principles for what needs to be done and Juran described the methodologies or processes for getting it done. See how a combination of these two - Total Quality Management (TQM) - can be applied to the healthcare laboratory field.