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Advanced QC Strategies

Advanced QC Strategies - how to apply cutting-edge techniques like Risk-Driven QC Frequency, Six Sigma Quality Management, PBRTQC (aka AoN, MA, etc), lot to lot monitoring, standardizing means across instruments and laboratories, Traceability, Measurement uncertainty
Advanced QC Strategies
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Advanced QC Strategies
264 pages, paperback

TIme to Level Up your QC.

The Basics are no longer enough. They're so Basic. Laboratories need to reach a higher level of quality and productivity. Westgard can help.

Advanced QC practices acknowledge the pressures that the laboratory is facing and the staffing crunch they are enduring. Wasting technologist time on unnecessary repeats, recalibrations, trouble-shooting, and technical support isn't just counter-productive, it's fatal to efficiency.

Westgard, Bayat, and Westgard provide a roadmap to the leading-edge tools and techniques of Quality Control.

Just a sample of the topics covered:

In addition, those who purchase the book get exclusive access to supplementary materials, worksheets, online calculators, and recipes for building your own customized Excel spreadsheets.

Struggling with breakdowns in the lab? Adopt these breakthrough techinques, and you'll be well on your way to excellence, that destination that lies far beyond mere compliance.